Wrangler Red

Wrangler Red came to MHARF from an April 2016 Pine County humane case. He is a registered quarter horse (although we don’t know if we’ll be able to get his papers). We are told he was foaled in 2006. He was emaciated at intake and his coat was entirely encrusted in manure and urine which had dried like cement. We slowly removed the crust so as not to cause him undue stress. He was very fearful but he wanted to trust and to receive attention. He had not been out of his extremely dirty stall since last fall. He also had an untreated injury to his head that was the result of blunt force trauma (a human-induced blow to the head most likely by a board). The wound was debrided and several bone fragments were removed. When he had gained enough weight to go under anesthesia he received reconstructive surgery to cover the exposed bone. His sutures have now been removed and he has healed up very nicely. We have not done a training assessment on him yet. He is a very nice horse who has had an extremely rough past and is looking for  a gentle hand in a new adoptive home!

Post suture removal

Post suture removal

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