Hello to all the MHARF people. So last spring, after I lost my event horse (who was also a Rescue) to severe colic, Drew pointed me in the direction of a horse named Guy. I took him in, not expecting much, and by this fall we were leading the pack in our last Beginner Novice horse trial (although a knockdown in Stadium put us in third place overall).

guyI have been so amazed by the progress this horse has made, and by the complete turnaround in his personality, that I wanted to be able to share with the world what a difference we can make in the lives of these animals, if we are only willing to try. The thing that has truly touched me about Guy is the absolute turnaround in his outlook on life – where he came to me dull, disinterested, and aloof, he now looks for treats and rubs and scratches, and gets the ‘I’m so proud’ look on his face when we put in a clear jumping round, and looks for me over the fenceline when I walk by. You all know this about Rescues – you’ve worked with one or many. To the right is a picture from yesterday’s schooling session on the cross country course with Guy. He LOVED it!!! (And so did I!) .

Here is the link to the video I’ve created about this special horse – please pass it along to anybody you think would like to see this message, or anybody who wants to make a difference in the life of a horse (and have that horse make a difference in your life, too!). Thanks to all of you!

– Rachel Walker, Walker Farms