Fannie Mae (Adopted)
Fannie Mae has been ADOPTED!
Fannie Mae is a sweet sabino Tennessee Walking Horse mare who stands 14.2hh and was foaled in 2000. She was adopted but her previous adoptive family is hoping she can find a new home because life changes mean they can no longer spend the time with Fannie she deserves. She is broke to ride and is suitable for lighter trail riding. Fannie did have a history of laminitis in both front feet when she originally came in. However, proper farrier care and diet have kept her sound since that time. Due to her history of laminitis, she should not be out on lush grass pasture.
This is the info we received from her previous adopters:
“Pros: Catchable, Stands still for mounting, Easy keeper. Blankets fine. Loads and unloads great. Quiet in the trailer. Ties perfectly. Great for farrier and vet. Bomb proof on the trail. Big walk.
A sweet girl. More relaxed on trail than on the property. Maybe a bit herd bound. Goes over bridges.
She is an outdoors horse year round with access to shelters.
She forges due to such big strides so boots to protect her heels in front and square toe trimming of rear feet is helpful.
Cons: She has a growth on her tongue that is scar tissue. Does not affect the bit, or eating and only found it on a teeth float. We use a myler barrel snaffle bit with little shanks.
Even though a TWH, she doesn’t gait readily and we haven’t gaited much at all.”