Ma Barker (Fillmore County Red Dun Mare)
This red dun mare came to MHARF during a late March 2019 Fillmore County humane case. She was extremely emaciated at intake and had an older bay colt at her side. The colt has now been weaned and she is able to put all of the calories she is receiving towards gaining weight. This poor older mare (in her late teens) is not so sure she wants much to do with people right now. She has been coming around very nicely with kind handling and regular feeding. We are hoping to find a foster or adoptive home for her–some place where she can have her own safe space and access to her own food without having defend it from other horses for now. She has some trust issues and definitely needs a place with experienced horse people. To read more about this case, please see the links to media coverage on our Home Page.