Shiloh (Sherburne County #402)
Shiloh is a black gelding in his early to mid-twenties. He came in from a recent 2019 Sherburne County case. He is an extremely sweet and kind boy who spent many years as a camp horse. Shiloh has the teeth of a senior horse and requires a lot of mash as he can no longer eat hay. He has had dental work done so we could get his teeth back into the best shape possible. Lucky for Shiloh, he had great sponsors, which allowed him to spend the winter in a heated barn while he gained back that much needed weight. Shiloh is also blind in one eye due to an old injury, but this does not seem to affect him. Shiloh has put on a good amount of weight and would love to find a new home where he will get the care a senior horse needs and deserves. Having spent many years as a camp horse, Shiloh is very well broke to ride. (Thank you so much to Shiloh’s current sponsor Jodi for helping out with his expenses until he finds a new home!)
- Shiloh May 2020
- Shiloh at intake 2019