Pearl (Adopted)
Pearl is a young Appaloosa mare (foaled in approximately 2017) who was signed over to MHARF after she was purchased at a Long Prairie, MN, auction in September 2020 (thank you to Kym Garvey of Save the Brays Donkey Rescue and to everyone who donated towards her purchase). She spent several days at Anoka Equine Veterinary Services being closely monitored and receiving her intake care. Radiographs showed that she had an untreated jaw fracture that had become badly infected. Bloodwork showed that she was anemic and had been starved to the point that her body had begun to utilize protein from muscle tissue to survive. As soon as Pearl showed that she was able to eat and drink well, she was discharged form AEVS and went into rehab care at the farm (including antibiotics, careful feeding, hydration monitoring, treatment for rain rot, ringworm, and intestinal parasites).
In November 2020 Pearl had surgery on her fractured jaw at Anoka Equine Veterinary Services. The surgery was performed on the table w/ general anesthesia due to the extensive nature of what needed to be done and the pain factor involved. We waited nearly two months from intake time to have the surgery because we wanted to give Pearl enough time to gain the weight and strength needed to undergo the procedure safely. The surgery consisted of curettage of the infected pocket of the jawbone, removal of necrotic bone fragments (see photo below), and a dental extraction.
Unfortunately as of March 2022, Pearl has been diagnosed with juvenile onset arthritis and she should not be a riding horse. We are hoping to find Pearl a home as a companion horse only.