Thank you to Cameryn for letting us share these photos of her adopted mare, Epona. Cameryn and her sister Morgan trained Epona for the 2019 Promise of the Future training competition (taking home the Grand Championship). Cameryn fell in love with her and decided she couldn’t let her go after the event. “I’ve been so lucky to be a part of many firsts for Epona.” 12:11:122024-04-03 12:11:45“I’ve been so luck tyo be a part of so many firsts for Epona.”
When you have been placing horses in adoptive homes for nearly 3 decades, you come to have certain repeat adopters whom you know you can trust in any situation. These are the people that, when you hear they are interested in a horse, you think, “Horse, you have just won the new home jackpot”. Catherine and Lynn are two such adopters. We were very sad to hear that they just recently lost two of their adopted MHARF horses, both senior mares. We want to thank Catherine and Lynn for the wonderful care they gave Perdita and Paloma over the years and for making the kindest decision for them when it came time. We wish every horse could be so lucky.
From Catherine: “Perdita was extraordinary. She was my first horse, I was a rookie and she was very particular and sensitive. We spent years building a relationship and a bond. I became a better horsewoman and she came to trust me. She became a wonderful trail partner. Brave and willing, walked over, through around anything I asked, never spooked, happy to ride with any horses. She responded to my legs and seat, so we never used a bit. (she hated bits!) I have many, many miles of happy trail memories.
I will always remember her nicker, which sounded like a truck jake braking, her whinny, which sounded like the best velociraptor impression worthy of Jurassic Park.
She made me a better human. I will miss and love her for the rest of my life.
Paloma was most adorable. She was cute as a button with a wavy, flaxen mane and tail. Always met me at the gate. She loved attention and would block my path for a scratch and a kiss. She loved to be groomed and would go into a head drooping trance as long as we were willing to stay.
Curious and playful, she would grab my zipper tab and zip my jacket up and down. She could open her own stall door and let herself out if we took too long. Follow me around trying to steal my phone out of my back pocket. She didn’t have much for molars left so she ate a lot of forage cube mash and delighted in goobing me with green mush. And my favorite, she would mush her muzzle into my neck and breathe on me.
Both of these girls brought so much joy and laughter into our lives, we enjoyed them every day. Despite the heartbreak of losing them, we would absolutely do it all over again. We will love, miss and remember them always. Our farm will never be the same.
Thank you to everyone who helped bring them to us. We are forever grateful.
Catherine and Lynn” 16:07:182024-03-22 16:07:53Saying Goodbye to Perdita and Paloma, 2 very lucky mares.
A memorial to Rascal, possibly the luckiest and most-loved pony mule in the world! Our hearts go out to Melissa after she recently had to make the hardest of decisions for him. Rascal originally came to us from a 2012 humane case known as the “Fillmore 55”. He was not gelded, had not had any handling, and wanted nothing to do with people. Truhaven Ranch, who was of great assistance with this case, took him into temporary foster care after he was gelded. There Melissa was able to work with him and get him halter broke and handleable, but he still retained his “ornery” character. He then went to another foster home we hoped would become permanent, but he was soon returned because of “bad behavior.” At that point, Melissa knew Rascal needed to stay with someone who would understand and love him despite his challenging personality, and that person was her. We want to thank Melissa for the love and care she has given him over the years and for making the kindest decision for him when he needed it. In the photos below, Rascal’s best friends, Ghost (white donkey) and Gus (Haflinger), were both from the same case and were both also adopted by Melissa. 15:18:582024-03-22 15:19:21Rascal: the luckiest and most-loved pony mule in the world.
A nice update received on Maggie, a sweet 28-year-old mare who originally came to MHARF in a 2013 humane case. Thank you to Colleen for the beautiful photos of Maggie enjoying life with her herd mates. Colleen reports that Maggie is doing “GREAT”! 15:22:352024-03-22 15:22:56Maggie is doing “GREAT”
Thank you to Kristina for the update on her adopted horse, Titan:
“The last 2 years with Titan have been amazing, such a wonderful trail horse with some obstacle competitions sprinkled in, a few clinics as well! He is my steady Eddie that I can put anyone on and not worry.” 15:25:562024-03-22 15:26:20“He is my Steady Eddie”
We were so sorry to hear that Biskit (pictured), adopted from MHARF in 2008, passed away recently. He had a wonderful life with Lisa and her family and was very much loved. We want to thank Lisa for reaching out to us to adopt a new companion for her remaining horse, Chicago. She chose Chrome (now called Moe), another palomino, and reports that her family is already in love with him and that he and Chicago are getting along very well. 15:35:532024-03-22 15:36:20Rest in Peace, Biskit
Congratulations to Cindy and her adopted MHARF horse, Poco, for successfully participating in the Urban Trail Ride on October 8th!
“The Minneapolis Mounted Police Foundation’s Urban Trail Ride was a fundraising ride held at Minnehaha Regional Park. Each group of fifteen riders had two mounted officers guiding us as we rode through the park. A fun surprise was a stop at the Veterans’ Home, where we greeted some of the veterans and they could interact with the horses. We crossed the Mississippi River twice on the Ford Parkway bridge, then stopped in front of the falls for a few quick photos. Poco wasn’t thrilled about stopping for breaks, he wanted to explore! It was a beautiful day and quite an experience.” 15:33:332024-03-22 15:34:05Poco and Cindy complete the Urban Trail Ride!
A really nice update received from Mary on her MHARF horse, Shotzie (adopted in August):
“Shotzie is the best horse I’ve ever owned. She needed an intermediate rider, and with every ride, she settles in a little more to her new forever home and learns a little more. She’s willing, sweet, and gentle. I count my blessings everyday to have found each other.
We’re putting on miles and miles, she gets along with my husband’s horse, and her feet are great after getting front shoes.
Thank you, thank you!” 15:29:032024-03-22 15:29:24“I count my blessings every day to have found eachother”
“I’ve been so luck tyo be a part of so many firsts for Epona.”
Thank you to Cameryn for letting us share these photos of her adopted mare, Epona. Cameryn and her sister Morgan trained Epona for the 2019 Promise of the Future training competition (taking home the Grand Championship). Cameryn fell in love with her and decided she couldn’t let her go after the event. “I’ve been so lucky to be a part of many firsts for Epona.”
Saying Goodbye to Perdita and Paloma, 2 very lucky mares.
Rascal: the luckiest and most-loved pony mule in the world.
Maggie is doing “GREAT”
“He is my Steady Eddie”
Rest in Peace, Biskit
Poco and Cindy complete the Urban Trail Ride!
“I count my blessings every day to have found eachother”